奇迹之地 第一季

奇迹之地 第一季 在线播放 - [第03集] - 第3集
导演 Matt Barrett / Rob Sullivan / Nicolas Brown / James Aldred
类型 纪录片
地区 英国
上映时间 2015-08-05(英国)
别名 地球自然奇迹 / 地球自然奇迹:极限生活 / Earth's Natural Wonders - Living on the Edge
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    Across our planet there are a handful of places that just take your breath away: Everest, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Amazon. We call them Natural Wonders. They may be awe inspiring. But these are some of the most inhospitable places on the planet and they pose extraordinary challenges for those who live there. This is the story of what’s created these wonders, and of the people who survive and even triumph in these astonishing places.查看更多
集数 更至3集
视频资源 - U1
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